BC Islands Mensa

Website for Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands Members

Regular Events

Wednesday Lunches

This event occurs every Wednesday at a specified location For details see the Announcements page under the Upcoming Events heading.

Movie Nights

Some volunteer member organizes attendance at a movie for members.


Members gather at a member’s residence for an evening of fun and games. Volunteer organizer wanted.



This event happens every Friday, members and guests meet at a designated restaurant and time for an evening meal.


Members and guests gather at a the residence of the Hosting member for a potluck dinner and games/conversations.

Explore the World of Mensa

There are two ways to join Mensa:

  1. Take a supervised entrance test.
  2. Provide evidence of eligibility.                      Details at : mensa.ca/join/  Contact us                                                                                             for  more info.

Upcoming events

Campbell River ReMIMEder!

Our first Mid-Island Mensa Experience event for 2025 will be a visit to our Northern Neighbour, Campbell River, on Saturday, January 25th. 

All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms! 


  • We’ll be visiting the spectacular Elk Falls, 11-noon; followed by lunch @ the Riptide Pub; then the Museum visit @ 1:30 – 3 PM

Timing of events:

  • Ms will connect @ the Elk Falls Provincial Park parking lot  HERE @ 11 AM

  • After the Falls walkabout, we will proceed to Karen’s recommendation for lunch, the Riptide Marine Pub, 1340 Island Hwy, Discovery Harbour SHopping Centre, @ 12:30 HERE

  • After lunch, we’ll proceed to the Museum at Campbell River, 470 Island Hwy, for 1:30 – 3:00. (admissions are: Adult, $10; Senior, $8; Student; $6 – the Museum is HERE

  • As an added bonus, I’ve arranged for a once-in-a-century Planetary Alignment the night of the 25th – 🤞for clear skies! 😀

  • Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks. 

  • Any questions? – please give me an email (locsecbcim@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)

  • NEXT: For February’s MIME, we’re looking to see ‘The Hand of Man’ museum in Maple Bay, as we cancelled due to weather in December. It’ll be quite the experience!

  • And finally, feel free to invite guests – a question I’ve been asked many times – Mensa can always use more interesting people!

We’re looking forward to seeing you !


LocSec, BCIM



Jeffery Pugh, LocSec
British Columbia Island Mensa


3rd Sunday Potluck, Jan.19, 2025.

This month’s potluck will be hosted by Mary Freeman, at 6:00 pm at unit 9, 909 Carowood, Broadmead, Saanich. RSVP

Dear BCIM Members: Campbell River MIME !

Our first Mid-Island Mensa Experience event for 2025 will be a visit to our Northern Neighbour, Campbell River, on Saturday, January 25th 

All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms! 


  • We’ll be visiting the spectacular Elk Falls, 11-noon; followed by lunch @ the Riptide Pub; then the Museum visit @ 1:30 – 3 PM

Timing of events:

  • Ms will connect @ the Elk Falls Provincial Park parking lot  HERE @ 11 AM

  • After the Falls walkabout, we will proceed to Karen’s recommendation for lunch, the Riptide Marine Pub, 1340 Island Hwy, Discovery Harbour SHopping Centre, @ 12:30 HERE

  • After lunch, we’ll proceed to the Museum at Campbell River, 470 Island Hwy, for 1:30 – 3:00. (admissions are: Adult, $10; Senior, $8; Student; $6 – the Museum is HERE

  • Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks. 

  • Any questions? – please give me an email (locsecbcim@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)

  • NEXT: For February’s MIME, we’re looking to see ‘The Hand of Man’ museum in Maple Bay, as we cancelled due to weather in December. It’ll be quite the experience!

  • And finally, feel free to invite guests – a question I’ve been asked many times – Mensa can always use more interesting people!

We’re looking forward to seeing you !


LocSec, BCIM


Jeffery Pugh, LocSec

British Columbia Island Mensa
Here’s a ReMIMEder of the Hand of Man Museum – a spectacular experience! We’ll meet there at noon.
Please confirm your attendance by Thursday, Dec. 12th, and if you need transportation from Nanaimo, let me know. 
Hope to hear from you by the 12th, and see you at the Hand of Man!
All the best for the season,
Third Sunday Potlucks
There will be no December Potluck: people are usually busy with pre-Christmas/New Year activities.
Jan. Potluck will be hosted by Mary Freeman on 19 th. Jan. 2026, 6 pm at unit 9 909 Carolwood, Saanich, BC. RSVP 
Update on Mushroom MIME
From Charlotte in Courtenay, re: the Mushroom MIME rescheduled for Oct 27th:
It’s probably good that as of tomorrow, I cancel the mushroom walk because of lack of interest. At least for this coming weekend.  However, if anyone is interested, please ask them to contact me and tell me what dates would work for them.

Charlotte’s email is: nefertiticatlover@yahoo.ca

Please let Charlotte know if you’d like to arrange a mushroom harvest with her.
Thank you,
November 3rd Sunday Potluck 

This Potluck will be hosted by Joe and Nikki Seewald on 17 Nov. 2024. Please RSVP before 14 Nov. . Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com.

Address: 29 Saanich Ridge Dr. Saanichton, BC

Dear BCIM:

The Annual Open House & Fundraiser for the Nanaimo Fish Hatchery is two weeks from today !
The official opening is @ 10 AM (the same day you turn your clocks back an hour), but there will be a 2 km lineup of parking by then, so best to arrive early. I’ll try to be obvious in a yellow Mensa cap.
See you then !
Dear BCIM:
Latest update from Charlotte in Courtenay:
(Please note that I (Jeff) am booked the weekend of the 26th and 27th, so cannot attend.)
Please respond directly to Charlotte, thanks !
From Charlotte: (nefertiticatlover@yahoo.ca)
Hi, All,
The Edible mushroom walk is postponed.  Not only is Saturday not a good day for everyone, there will also be a huge atmospheric river starting on Friday and ending Sunday.
Jeff, could you please send this out as announcement to all the other Island Mensans with a request that they let me know if they are interested in a mushroom walk on the weekend of the 26th and 27th. Maybe that way, Mensans who were interested but not available this  weekend, can come up island the following weekend..
If you’d like to go mushroom picking on the 26th or 27th, could you please email me back about what day works best for you.
Again, I won’t know which mushroom patch to take you until I know where everyone is coming from, and who I can carpool with.  I looked into driving to Buckley Bay and leaving my van there while we go up the logging road, but it wasn’t advisable.  One of my clients who used to work for B.C. Ferries tells me it would be safe to leave an empty vehicle there all day, but not a work vehicle filled with tools and equipment.
There is also a really good mushroom patch South of Union Bay, but there are homeless people living in campers in that area, so apparently it’s not safe to leave my work van on the highway there either.
Please be advised that whichever place we go, we’ll have to contend with bushwhacking through underbrush and/or hiking up steep terrain.
Love and Light,

Jeffery Pugh, LocSec

British Columbia Island Mensa

October 3rd Sunday Potluck reminder

This month’s Potluck will be hosted by Jim and Ute Grayson at 6 pm on 20th Oct., at 4870 Lochside Dr. Saanich,  RSVP.

Nanaimo Hatchery Open House

A ReMIMEder that the Nanaimo Fish Hatchery Open House is coming up in three weeks.
Please RSVP if you’re attending, so I can expect to see you there.
Although the official start is 10 AM, if you’re sMart (see what I did there?) you’ll arrive before 9:30, unless you like walking two kilometers from where you had to park, then back again.
From Nanaimo and need a ride? Let me know; I’ll see what I can do.
It’s a wonderful event and a great day for individuals and the family, and guaranteed you’ll learn a lot.
(The salmon burgers are terrific, btw, and only @ $5 each.)
All the best, salMon fans !

Jeffery Pugh, LocSec

British Columbia Island Mensa

Magical Edible Mushroom Tour

Charlotte is working very hard to scout the best locations for us to enjoy a productive day of harvesting a week from today.
If you intend to join us, please commit to attending by replying to this email no later than Thursday the 17th; final directions and locations will be shared with those who will be attending.
In the case of very inclement weather, I will notify you as to the cancellation / postponement of the venture.
From Charlotte:
As for the Magical Edible Mushroom Tour, I know of two really good spots south of Courtenay, and another near courtenay.  Several days ago, I came across so many chantrelles in one place it was like being a mushroom picker in the 90s again. 

Before I can firm up my plans, I need to know who’s coming and where they are driving from.  I can’t give out directions on how to get to the right rendez-vous point unless I know whether people are driving up from Nanaimo, down from Campbell River, or both.

I’d also like to tell them to be prepared to walk through some very rough and uneven terrain, and sometimes heavy undergrowth.  Also, each person should bring a clean bucket, a clean pair of gardening gloves, and a small knife.

This is a great year for edible  mushrooms, with a lot of rain.  So far, we’ve found white and yellow chantrelle, lobster, porcupine, and pine mushrooms.  We might find even more varieties.
Thank you, Charlotte!
OK Ms, you know what to do.
I’m heading up from Nanaimo, so if you need a ride, please let me know as soon as you can; I have seats for three.
(If there are no attendance responses as of Thursday the 17th, the MIME will be cancelled to be respectful of Charlottes’ time and efforts.)
Let’s go ‘shrooming!

September 28 MIME

One week remainder!

Our 11th  Mid-Island Mensa Experience for 2024 will be the annual kickoff Rathtrevor Park Potluck Picnic on Saturday, Sep 28th.

All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island and mainland Ms!

There is a MIME kickoff at Rathtrevor Provincial Park on Saturday, Sep 28th, Picnic Shelter S2 from 10-2. (The fee is covered by BCIM.)

It’s a Picnic Potluck Meet & Greet with a beach walkabout. I’m bringing Saskatoon Berry tarts for dessert !

Games are encouraged – please bring what you can.

It will be low tide @ 10 AM – plenty of beachcombing to be done !

Charlotte has offered psychic readings and mushroom identification, but needs a ride from Courtenay and return – Courtenay and Campbell River Ms, please let me know, and I’ll arrange the rideshare.

I’ll do a birding session for those interested.

All Ms are invited; RSVP to Jeff @ locsecbcim@gmail.com before Thursday the 26th.

We’re looking forward to seeing you !

Jeff,  LocSec, BCIM


Oct. 3rd Sunday Potluck
This month’s Potluck event will be hosted by Jim and Ute at 6 pm on 20th Oct., at 4870 Lochside Dr. Saanich,  RSVP.
Members in the area: Volunteers welcome to propose/organize events or host Potlucks. Please contact G.May: gamay@shaw.ca for posting.

Reminder: September Third Sunday Potluck.

This event will be hosted by Mary Freeman on 15 September 6:00 pm at Mary’s place, unit 9, 909 Carolwood, Saanich BC
Dear fellow Mensans and your invited guests,
You are warmly invited to online zoom INQUIRING MINDS events on 
 – Sunday September 15, at 2 pm EDT (reminder), 
– Saturday October 19 (new announcement) at 2 pm EDT,  and 
– Sunday November 17 (reminder), at 2 pm EST.  
See Newsletter page for details.    Do check the start time for your time zone!  The above times are for Eastern Daylight / Standard Time.
Quick view:
Sunday September 15:   Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence are already having an impact on how you receive health care:  Will AI replace your clinician?   Speaker is Professor Ervin Sejdić,    Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Health Outcomes at Research & Innovation, North York General Hospital, and an Associate Professor in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto.
Saturday October 19:    Lights, Camera, Chaos: Bob Presner reveals secrets of  high-stakes filmmaking from his point of view as a producer and movie-completion guarantor.

What surprising lessons did Bob learn while working on multimillion-dollar film projects with larger-than-life legends such as Russell Crowe, Tupac Shakur, and Hulk Hogan? What does it take to survive in this cutthroat environment? And is there life after the movies?

Sunday November 17:  Dr. Paul Thomas, Director, Parliamentary Internship Programme  (House of Commons, Canada), will lead a discussion with two interns and members of the audience, about the internship program and about the “behind the scenes” workings of Canadian parliament.  Away from the public eye, there is extensive cooperation between the governing party and opposition parties. We will use Zoom Meetings format, to encourage audience participation in the discussion. For those of you joining us from other countries, this is an opportunity to compare and contrast the Canadian system with yours. 
RSVP to Kathleen Smith:     kathleen.walton.smith@gmail.com     If your name is not listed in the member directory online for Mensa Canada or Mensa International, kindly attach the receipt showing that your current Mensa membership dues are paid (or a photo of your current membership card showing the expiry date).  
You are each welcome to invite a guest from another household. Send me the first & last name and email address for guests so that I can provide each person with his or her own encrypted zoom link.
Some of you have been kind enough to re-post these announcements elsewhere. Thank you!   Request:  Please change my email address to  
kathleen  DOT   walton   DOT   smith  AT  gmail  DOT com
 (to minimize spam arriving in my inbox). 
While on the subject of publicity, let me mention that American Mensa has been re-posting the Inquiring Minds announcements and have asked whether I would reciprocate.  If you would like information on their Theodore Talks online series, make note of this link:  list of future Theodore Talks can be found on the Mensa National Event Calendar at https://www.us.mensa.org/attend/calendar/
For information and to rsvp, contact   Brad Lucht at TheodoreTalks@MAMensa.org.
MIME kickoff at Rathtrevor Provincial Park on Saturday, Sep 28th, from 10-2. It’s a Picnic Potluck Meet & Greet with a beach walkabout. Games are encouraged. All Ms are invited; RSVP to Jeff @ locsecbcim@gmail.com by Thursday the 26th.
I’m also inviting interested Ms for a DinoMIME on Saturday, Sep 7th, to see the dino tracks on Saysutshun Island and the ammonite fossils at Ammonite Falls.
(Ferry access to Saysutshun Island ends on Sep 15th.)
All Ms are welcome, but the hike to the falls is rigorous, with a hundred stairs and up and down trails.
(VanMs are invited to take a Hullo Ferry over @ 9:45 for pickup @ 11 AM; expect to return on the 5 PM ferry; all ferry arrangements are to be done by the VanM guests.).
I can accommodate three adults; I won’t be asking for volunteer drivers, as this is intended to be a small event at this time. RSVP to Jeff @ locsecbcim@gmail.com by Thursday the 5th.
This event will be repeated in early August next year on a much larger scale, with visits to ‘The Goats on the Roof ‘ in Crofton; Cathedral Grove; and the Parksville Sand Sculptures.
Of course, we have to have Nanaimo Bars, as well…
We’re off to a good start !

BC Islands Mensa 3rd Annual Beach Barbecue Picnic Reminder

Only five more days till the barbecue picnic!

The event will be held on the 11th August 3:00 to 7:00 pm at Site ‘A’ Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share, eating utensils, dishes, and cups to reduce waste. Bring games too!

 RSVP to George May gamay@shaw.ca to help estimate  the amount of food & drinks required. 

MIME Event, Visit to the Royal BC Museum Stonehenge Exhibit
You are invited for the August MIME event to the Royal BC Museum to see the Stonehenge exhibit a month from now – Saturday,  August 24th. We are working on providing a 50% admission price rebate for Ms, and we are also planning a Swartz Bay pickup and dropoff service for Vancouver/mainland Ms arriving from Tsawwassen. (Island Ms and VanMs may want to carpool on their own, as well.)
I’ll be driving from Nanaimo @ 8:30 AM, returning @ 5 PM for arrival home @ 7 PM. Please let me know if you’d like a seat in my car (one has already been spoken for. All Island Ms and mainland Ms who wish to attend and are making their own way, please join us at the RBC Museum @ 11:30 AM.
Please commit to attending by emailing Jeff @ locsecbcim@gmail.com no later than Friday, Aug 16th, as we need attendance numbers for transportation and entrance fees.
We are asking Victoria Ms to volunteer with picking up visiting Ms from the Swartz Bay ferry and driving them to the museum, then returning for the ferry home.Vancouver/Mainland Ms, please coordinate your ferry travel by carpooling to Tsawwassen for a 9 AM ferry walk-on and a 10:35 arrival pickup. We will need the numbers of foot passengers to plan for the pickup.
After touring the Museum, we will visit and have lunch at the food trucks behind the Museum until 3 PM, then the volunteer drivers will return to Swartz Bay so VanMs can catch the 4 PM ferry back to Tsawwassen.
We look forward to seeing you at the ‘Henge !

Jeffery Pugh, LocSec

Chow & Chat (Wednesday lunches)
For years there has been a lunch get together somewhere in Victoria on Wednesdays. It has been loosely organised and attendance dropped off following the Covid hiatus.However we are hoping to revive the “Chow and Chat” lunch get togethers. We are currently meeting at the Cedar Hill golf course restaurant at noon Wednesday.All members are welcome to attend. Venues have changed from time to time and we are open to changing venues if it is more convenient for a majority of participants.
However, people planning to come need to e-mail me in advance so I can arrange a suitable site/tables.
Bill Dexter (bill.dexter@telus.net)

3rd Sunday Potluck

Potluck dinner will be hosted by Mary Freeman on 15 September 2024 6pm, at 909 Carolwood unit 9. Broadmead.

BC Islands Mensa 3rd Annual Picnic.

The event will be held on the 11th August 3:00 to 7:00 pm at Site ‘A’ Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share, bring games too! 


July Potluck

This month’s potluck will be hosted by Joe and Nikki Seewald on 21st July at 6 pm. Please RSVP before 15 July. Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com.

Address: 29 Saanich Ridge Dr. Saanichton, BC


 Cretaceous Park – the Saysutshun Island Dino Tracks – Saturday, June 1st !

Our sixth and seventh Mid-Island Mensa Experience events for 2024 will be a visit to Nanaimo’s Saysutshun (Newcastle) Island on Saturday, June 1st, and a knowledge tour of invasive plants, hosted by Laura, a Nanaimo M,on Saturday, June 22nd.

All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!


  • Saysutshun – June 1st: please meet at the Saysutshun Ferry Dock, Maffeo Sutton Park, Nanaimo, before 10 AM. Return ticket prices are here. If numbers are large, we’ll take two ferries – don’t worry, we’ll wait for you on the island, or you’ll wait for me!

  • We will tour the island – you can choose that activity you’d like to do, (I’ll be leading the 2 ½ hr hike around the island, including the Ornithomimid trackway), including just hanging about, and feel free to depart on a return ferry of your choice when you’ve had enough fun for the day. Or join us for a food truck lunch in the park @ 1:30 PM. Please bring water and snacks, good hiking shoes, and the usual sunscreen and personal necessities for the island adventure.

  • Invasive Plants – June 22nd:  there will be a walkabout and talkabout by Laura, a Nanaimo M with invasive plant expertise, followed by a bbq at her lovely home. Thank you so much for volunteering, Laura & Flemming ! Details to follow – please let me know your interest for numbers attending – important for the tour and bbq.

  • Dress for the weather – it will be sunny and warm the first week of June; 🤞 for clear, sunny skies!

  • If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride.

  • Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.

  • Any questions? – please give me an email (jjpugh57@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)

  • Under consideration: MIMEs for July & August: Vancouver Ms are invited for a day trip to see Nanaimo sights on a Saturday in July; and a MIME event to the Royal BC Museum to see the Stonehenge exhibit in August. Dates tbd – please let me know if you’re interested, thanks.

  • The 2024 – 2025 MIME year begins again September 28th with a kickoff at Rathtrevor Beach !

The AGM will be held 1 hr. before the June potluck at Jim & Ute’s place. Jim Grayson has agreed to be the elections officer and so far Jeff Pugh, Caroline Mufford, and Mary Freeman are standing for LocSec, Deputy LocSec and Treasurer respectively. If anyone is also interested in running for these positions please contact the Elections officer.

June Potluck*** Important update***
Potluck in June will be held at Jim & Ute’s on the 4th Sunday 6 pm to avoid conflict with Father’s day events. RSVP. Please note that the AGM will NOT be at the June Potluck .
Member Garrison White has indicated that the bylaws require an AGM to be held before May 30. A date in May and meeting place will be announced shortly.


 *The Saysutshun (Newcastle) Island ferry, scheduled to start May1st, has now been postponed until May 15th (!). As there’s no other way to get to the island, (other than by private boat),instead I’m modifying the trip to a *Nanaimo waterfront walkabout *with a ferry
ride to the Dingy Dock Pub   <https://www.dinghydockpub.com/protection-island-ferry-schedule/>for lunch.
(Fees are on the attached website; $14 round trip – cash only.)We’ll head to Saysutshun for dino-tracking *June 1st*, instead – a make-up
MIME, so to speak.

The Comox airshow is confirmed on Saturday, May 18th, so that’s still a go. Please let me know of your attendance to either event by email, thanks!

And Nanaimo M Laura is hosting an invasive plants identification and
walkabout, followed by a (byob) bbq on *June 22nd* – more info to follow.

Canadian Mensa Online Quiz League
From: Peter Sells, Ontario Region Rep. :
Hi everyone; I’d like to get this message below into your local newsletters (might be too late) and onto local Facebook pages. Time is tight, this Quiz League starts in May. Contact me for any questions or details… Peter
Are you a Quiz Whiz?
I’ve been a trivia fan my whole life, since watching the original Jeopardy (pre-Alex Trebek) with my mom at lunchtime. Then came Trivial Pursuit when I was in University, then Mensa Games Nights, and for the last few years I have been participating in online quiz leagues. Quizzing, whether at the pub or online, is hugely popular in the UK and in India. Sometimes the content is general, sometimes it is quite specialized (art, architecture, science, history) and sometimes it is pop culture (Hip-Hop, K-Pop, Bollywood movies, football managers, or famous cricket players). As in life, quizzing is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get.
I have found an online quiz league – called The Online Quiz League – which would be a good fit for a team of Canadian Mensans. I would like to Captain a team in the upcoming season which begins in May. Please take a look at the OQL website.
I like the format and the friendly tone of the competition. The teams in this league can have any number of players, but only four members can play in any given weekly game. The RULES tab explains the whole thing, and you can watch the sample game video. By the way, three of the players in the sample video are professional TV quizzers from the UK show The Chase, and among the highest-ranked quizzers in the world. If you have any interest in this league, and you can be consistently available on Wednesday afternoons (the matches take place at 8pm GMT), contact me by email. The Board of Mensa Canada has agreed to cover the fees for at least the first season.
That’s it for now; there are many details to be worked out, but let’s see who’s interested first. Let me know by April 15th if possible. P
Mid-Island Mensa Experience
Dear BCIM Members: MIME presents: Blasts From the Past for May – Saysutshun Island Dino Tracks, and the RCAF 100th Anniversary Airshow in Comox !
Our fourth and fifth Mid-Island Mensa Experience events for 2024 will be a visit to Nanaimo’s Saysutshun (Newcastle) Island on Saturday, May 4th, and a visit to Comox to see the RCAF 100th Anniversary inaugural airshow on Saturday, May 18th.
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!
Saysutshun – May 4th: please meet at the Saysutshun Ferry Dock, Maffeo Sutton Park, Nanaimo, before 10 AM. Return ticket prices are here. If numbers are large, we’ll take two ferries – don’t worry, we’ll wait for you on the island, or you’ll wait for me!
We will tour the island – you can choose that activity you’d like to do, (I’ll be leading the 2 ½ hr hike around the island), including just hanging about, and feel free to depart on a return ferry of your choice when you’ve had enough fun for the day. Or join us for a food truck lunch in the park @ 1:30 PM. Please bring water and snacks, good hiking shoes, and the usual sunscreen and personal necessities for the island adventure.
Comox Airshow – May 18th: it’s a big event that begins @ 9 AM – the good news is that it’s free (!); the bad news is that it will be crowded. The traffic plan is here, and the oh-so-many rules (military, naturally) are here. Please plan to arrive @ 8 AM. We can meet up by cell phone – I’ll be driving a silver Toyota Venza. Bring folding chairs, a small cooler (see instructions), and snacks. Food trucks will be there as well. Sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen are highly recommended. Binoculars are a good idea.
Dress for the weather – it will be sunny and warm the third week of May; 🤞 for clear, sunny skies!
If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride. I can also bring a couple of folding chairs and a small cooler.
Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.
Any questions? – please give me an email (jjpugh57@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)
(As for the June 22nd MIME, there will be a walkabout and talkabout by Laura, a Nanaimo M with invasive plant expertise, followed by a bbq at her lovely home ! Thank you so much for volunteering, Laura & Flemming ! Details to follow.)
Then we’re off for the summer – MIME begins again September 28th !
Hope to see you there!
Jeff email: jjpugh57@gmail.com

Third Sunday Potluck dinner

March’s 3rd Sunday Potluck event will be hosted by Jim and Ute on 17 March 6 pm at 4870 Lochside Dr. Saanich, RSVP.

April’s 3rd Sunday potluck event will be hosted by Joe and Nikki Seewald on 21st April 6 pm Please RSVP before 15 Nov. Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com;st April 6 pm
Address: 29 Saanich Ridge Dr. Saanichton, BC

May’s 3rd Sunday Potluck event will be hosted by George and Cathy on 19th May 6pm at 5852 East Sooke Rd. RSVP if possible 3 days ahead. email gamay@shaw.ca or phone 250 642 5516.

Members in the area: Volunteers are welcome to propose/organise additional events or host Potlucks. Please contact G.May: gamay@shaw.ca

Map for access to Seewald’s place:

May be an image of map and text

18th Feb. 6 pm will be hosted by Mary Freeman at her residence,  909 Carolwood unit 9. Broadmead.

Victoria Region  TGIF

December ‘23  TGIFs

Every Friday

18:00 – 20:00


Purple Gardens

#138 – 1551 Cedar Hill + Rd


Extensive [all you can eat] Chinese Buffet

Ample underground parking

Senior Discount

Quiet enough for conversation


Nov. Wed. Lunch

  Chew & Chat

Will be at the White Spot

3965 Quadra St, Saanich

[nr. Mackenzie]

Third Sunday PotLuck, Nov.

This month ‘s potluck is on, Nov. 26th  the 4 th Sunday. Joe Seewald is the host. Arrive any time after 5 pm. Potluck dinner at 6 pm. Please RSVP before 25 th Nov. Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com;

Address: 29 Saanich Ridge Dr    Saanichton, BC

Directions: Take the Qwus Chus exit, [off the Pat Bay Hwy]  just north of the Saanich Heritage Museum. If coming from Sidney, come in from Mount Newton X Rd, then turn right on Tetayut.

Please note since Qwus Chus is a one-way road all must depart via Mount Newton X Rd.

November in Nanaimo!
We will be having a Mid Island Mensa Experience (MIME) at the Nanaimo Waterfront on Saturday, November 25th, from 10 AM – 4 PM
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms! 
  • Weather depending, we will meet at the Mafeo-Sutton parking lot, by the Welcome Pole, @ 10 AM.
  • We’ll stroll the park and waterfront – bring your cameras! -and see the sights, including the historic Bastion.
  • Hopefully, the Protection Island ferry will be running, and for those interested, we can take the ferry to the Dinghy Dock Pub for lunch. Details are here.
  • The park is very family and kid-friendly – there’s a wonderful playground – feel free to hike and bike about!
  • Dress for the weather – it will be cool the last week of November – 🤞 for sunny skies! (If it’s really bad, I’ll send out a postponement notice, and we’ll rebook for the spring.)
  • If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, (jjpugh57@gmail.com), and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride from another M.
  • Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.
  • Any questions? – please give me an email or a call (204-881-0089)
(And – MIME will be on hiatus for December – we’ll pick up again in 2024!)
Hope to see you there!
Jeffery Pugh

Victoria Region  TGIF

November ‘23  TGIFs

Every Friday

18:00 – 20:00


Purple Gardens

#138 – 1551 Cedar Hill + Rd


Extensive [all you can eat] Chinese Buffet

Ample underground parking

Senior Discount

Quiet enough for conversation

Mid-Island Mensa Experience

We will be having a Mid Island Mensa Experience (MIME) at the Courtenay Museum & Paleontology Centre on Saturday, October 21st.

All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!

(This is a no-cost event, unless you book a museum fossil tour – see below.)


  • The museum offers two fossil tours: 9 AM (before museum opening); and 1 PM.
  • The museum fossil tours need to be booked and paid for in advance: $40 + tax for adults; $30 + tax for kids over 4 (there are family rates as well- please see link above).
  • Those who want museum fossil tours need to book themselves for their preferred time.
  • The museum opens @ 10 AM – entrance by donation.
  • I suggest that we connect at the museum for an indoor visit @ noon – those who have taken the early museum fossil tour will have returned by noon and can join up for a museum tour; or you could take a museum tour @ noon, followed by a museum fossil tour @ 1 PM.
  • In either case, we could meet for a coffee/lunch before noon across from the museum at the Gladstone Brewing Co., or the Early Bird Cafe a block away, at 4th St & Duncan, if that interests you. Please let me know your preference, and we’ll go with the majority choice.
  • Also, Charlotte, who is from Courtenay, very familiar with the area and quite the naturalist, is offering a walkabout that includes fossils and forests!
  • There’s plenty of flexibility, and you are welcome to choose what best suits you – you may arrive and leave whenever you like.
  • Dress for the weather – it may be cool this week in October – 🤞 for sunny skies!
  • If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, (jjpugh57@gmail.com), and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride from another M.
  • Confirmation of your attendance is appreciated for numbers – please let me know by email. (I don’t need to know if you’re not attending, thanks.)
  • Any questions? – please give me an email or a call (204-881-0089)

(And – any ideas for a MIME in November? We’ll pause for December, and begin again in January.)

Hope to see you soon in Courtenay!

Jeffery Pugh

Wednesday Lunch and TGIF
Wednesday lunches have moved. to a new location: Cedar Hill Golf Course Club House, located at Cedar Hill and Derby. Lunch is at 12:00 noon. TGIF at the same location Friday at 6 pm, for the month of October. RSVP Sandra 250-598-4725.
Dear BCIM:
We will be having a Mid Island Mensa Experience (MIME) at Rathtrevor Provincial Park on Sunday, September 24th, from 10 AM – 4 PM
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms! 
(This is a no-cost event; BCIM is paying for the site booking.)
  • We have booked Group Picnic Area S1-Picnic Shelter (see Group Sites & Picnic Shelters map here🙂
  • Directions to Rathtrevor PP here:
  • It’s a potluck event – bring your own food and (non-alcoholic) beverages; (smoking/vaping is prohibited, as is alcohol consumption.)
  • If you want to grill, please bring your own bbq and propane – there are no cooking facilities at the Group Picnic Shelters.
  • Games and activities are welcome, and the beach is nearby  – very family and kid-friendly – feel free to hike and bike about!
  • Dress for the weather – it may be cool the last week of September – 🤞 for sunny skies!
  • If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, (jjpugh57@gmail.com), and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride from another M.
  • Confirmation of your attendance is appreciated for numbers – please let me know by email.
  • Any questions? – please give me an email or a call (204-881-0089)
(And – a heads up for the next MIME event – a visit to the Courtenay Museum & Paleaontology Centre in October!)
Hope to see you soon!
Jeffery Pugh
3 rd Sunday Potluck
This month’s Potluck event will be hosted by Jim and Ute on 17th September 6 pm at 4870 Lochside Dr. Saanich, for fully vaccinated members and guests only. RSVP.
Members in the area: Volunteers welcome to propose/organise additional events or host Potlucks. Please contact G.May: gamay@shaw.ca
The Second BC Islands Mensa Picnic
Reminder: The 2nd Annual BC Islands BBQ picnic is 4 days away! (13 Aug. 2023, 4pm – 8pm at Gyro Beach Area ‘B’ Saanich BC)
We still need another potable BBQ unit and volunteers for cook duties. Please contact George at gamay@shaw.ca, this is the correct email address! Please bring eating utensils for your group to minimise waste.
***Please note changes to the date, time and site of the 2nd Annual BC Islands Mensa Picnic!***
The Second BC Islands Mensa Picnic
The event will be held on the 13th August 4:00 to 8:00 pm at Site ‘B’ Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share. We need another BBQ and volunteers, please contact George May.
Chow and Chat”
Every Wednesday at noon.
Currently meeting at Spinnakers for the summer. Inside/outside spaces, on bus route, bike route, and free parking.
Will rotate venues in fall; suggestions welcome.
If you wish to attend, please call or e-mail Bill Dexter by 11 am so he can secure an appropriate sized table. 250-383-1804 bill.dexter@telus.net

The Second BC Islands Mensa Picnic (pending site confirmation).

The event will be held on the 6th August 3:30 to 7:30  pm at Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks  will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share.

Third Sunday Potluck July 16th 6 pm.

Mary Freeman is hosting this month’s Potluck. All Members welcome. Mary’s address is 9-909 Carolwood Drive, Saanich, BC.