BC Islands Mensa
Website for Vancouver Island and Gulf Islands Members
Regular Events

Wednesday Lunches
This event occurs every Wednesday at a specified location For details see the Announcements page under the Upcoming Events heading.
Movie Nights
Some volunteer member organizes attendance at a movie for members.
Members gather at a member’s residence for an evening of fun and games. Volunteer organizer wanted.

This event happens every Friday, members and guests meet at a designated restaurant and time for an evening meal.
Members and guests gather at a the residence of the Hosting member for a potluck dinner and games/conversations.
Explore the World of Mensa
There are two ways to join Mensa:
- Take a supervised entrance test.
- Provide evidence of eligibility. Details at : mensa.ca/join/ Contact us for more info.
Upcoming events

Campbell River ReMIMEder!
Our first Mid-Island Mensa Experience event for 2025 will be a visit to our Northern Neighbour, Campbell River, on Saturday, January 25th.
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!
We’ll be visiting the spectacular Elk Falls, 11-noon; followed by lunch @ the Riptide Pub; then the Museum visit @ 1:30 – 3 PM
Timing of events:
Ms will connect @ the Elk Falls Provincial Park parking lot HERE @ 11 AM
After the Falls walkabout, we will proceed to Karen’s recommendation for lunch, the Riptide Marine Pub, 1340 Island Hwy, Discovery Harbour SHopping Centre, @ 12:30 HERE
After lunch, we’ll proceed to the Museum at Campbell River, 470 Island Hwy, for 1:30 – 3:00. (admissions are: Adult, $10; Senior, $8; Student; $6 – the Museum is HERE
As an added bonus, I’ve arranged for a once-in-a-century Planetary Alignment the night of the 25th – 🤞for clear skies! 😀
Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.
Any questions? – please give me an email (locsecbcim@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)
NEXT: For February’s MIME, we’re looking to see ‘The Hand of Man’ museum in Maple Bay, as we cancelled due to weather in December. It’ll be quite the experience!
And finally, feel free to invite guests – a question I’ve been asked many times – Mensa can always use more interesting people!
3rd Sunday Potluck, Jan.19, 2025.
This month’s potluck will be hosted by Mary Freeman, at 6:00 pm at unit 9, 909 Carowood, Broadmead, Saanich. RSVP
Dear BCIM Members: Campbell River MIME !
Our first Mid-Island Mensa Experience event for 2025 will be a visit to our Northern Neighbour, Campbell River, on Saturday, January 25th
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!
We’ll be visiting the spectacular Elk Falls, 11-noon; followed by lunch @ the Riptide Pub; then the Museum visit @ 1:30 – 3 PM
Timing of events:
Ms will connect @ the Elk Falls Provincial Park parking lot HERE @ 11 AM
After the Falls walkabout, we will proceed to Karen’s recommendation for lunch, the Riptide Marine Pub, 1340 Island Hwy, Discovery Harbour SHopping Centre, @ 12:30 HERE
After lunch, we’ll proceed to the Museum at Campbell River, 470 Island Hwy, for 1:30 – 3:00. (admissions are: Adult, $10; Senior, $8; Student; $6 – the Museum is HERE
Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.
Any questions? – please give me an email (locsecbcim@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)
NEXT: For February’s MIME, we’re looking to see ‘The Hand of Man’ museum in Maple Bay, as we cancelled due to weather in December. It’ll be quite the experience!
And finally, feel free to invite guests – a question I’ve been asked many times – Mensa can always use more interesting people!
Jeffery Pugh, LocSec
Charlotte’s email is: nefertiticatlover@yahoo.ca
This Potluck will be hosted by Joe and Nikki Seewald on 17 Nov. 2024. Please RSVP before 14 Nov. . Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com.

Dear BCIM:
Jeffery Pugh, LocSec
October 3rd Sunday Potluck reminder
This month’s Potluck will be hosted by Jim and Ute Grayson at 6 pm on 20th Oct., at 4870 Lochside Dr. Saanich, RSVP.
Nanaimo Hatchery Open House
Jeffery Pugh, LocSec
Magical Edible Mushroom Tour
Before I can firm up my plans, I need to know who’s coming and where they are driving from. I can’t give out directions on how to get to the right rendez-vous point unless I know whether people are driving up from Nanaimo, down from Campbell River, or both.
I’d also like to tell them to be prepared to walk through some very rough and uneven terrain, and sometimes heavy undergrowth. Also, each person should bring a clean bucket, a clean pair of gardening gloves, and a small knife.
September 28 MIME
One week remainder!
Our 11th Mid-Island Mensa Experience for 2024 will be the annual kickoff Rathtrevor Park Potluck Picnic on Saturday, Sep 28th.
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island and mainland Ms!
There is a MIME kickoff at Rathtrevor Provincial Park on Saturday, Sep 28th, Picnic Shelter S2 from 10-2. (The fee is covered by BCIM.)
It’s a Picnic Potluck Meet & Greet with a beach walkabout. I’m bringing Saskatoon Berry tarts for dessert !
Games are encouraged – please bring what you can.
It will be low tide @ 10 AM – plenty of beachcombing to be done !
Charlotte has offered psychic readings and mushroom identification, but needs a ride from Courtenay and return – Courtenay and Campbell River Ms, please let me know, and I’ll arrange the rideshare.
I’ll do a birding session for those interested.
All Ms are invited; RSVP to Jeff @ locsecbcim@gmail.com before Thursday the 26th.
We’re looking forward to seeing you !
Jeff, LocSec, BCIM
Reminder: September Third Sunday Potluck.
What surprising lessons did Bob learn while working on multimillion-dollar film projects with larger-than-life legends such as Russell Crowe, Tupac Shakur, and Hulk Hogan? What does it take to survive in this cutthroat environment? And is there life after the movies?
BC Islands Mensa 3rd Annual Beach Barbecue Picnic Reminder
Only five more days till the barbecue picnic!
The event will be held on the 11th August 3:00 to 7:00 pm at Site ‘A’ Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share, eating utensils, dishes, and cups to reduce waste. Bring games too!
RSVP to George May gamay@shaw.ca to help estimate the amount of food & drinks required.
Jeffery Pugh, LocSec
3rd Sunday Potluck
Potluck dinner will be hosted by Mary Freeman on 15 September 2024 6pm, at 909 Carolwood unit 9. Broadmead.
BC Islands Mensa 3rd Annual Picnic.
The event will be held on the 11th August 3:00 to 7:00 pm at Site ‘A’ Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share, bring games too!
July Potluck
This month’s potluck will be hosted by Joe and Nikki Seewald on 21st July at 6 pm. Please RSVP before 15 July. Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com.
Cretaceous Park – the Saysutshun Island Dino Tracks – Saturday, June 1st !
Our sixth and seventh Mid-Island Mensa Experience events for 2024 will be a visit to Nanaimo’s Saysutshun (Newcastle) Island on Saturday, June 1st, and a knowledge tour of invasive plants, hosted by Laura, a Nanaimo M,on Saturday, June 22nd.
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!
Saysutshun – June 1st: please meet at the Saysutshun Ferry Dock, Maffeo Sutton Park, Nanaimo, before 10 AM. Return ticket prices are here. If numbers are large, we’ll take two ferries – don’t worry, we’ll wait for you on the island, or you’ll wait for me!
We will tour the island – you can choose that activity you’d like to do, (I’ll be leading the 2 ½ hr hike around the island, including the Ornithomimid trackway), including just hanging about, and feel free to depart on a return ferry of your choice when you’ve had enough fun for the day. Or join us for a food truck lunch in the park @ 1:30 PM. Please bring water and snacks, good hiking shoes, and the usual sunscreen and personal necessities for the island adventure.
Invasive Plants – June 22nd: there will be a walkabout and talkabout by Laura, a Nanaimo M with invasive plant expertise, followed by a bbq at her lovely home. Thank you so much for volunteering, Laura & Flemming ! Details to follow – please let me know your interest for numbers attending – important for the tour and bbq.
Dress for the weather – it will be sunny and warm the first week of June;
for clear, sunny skies!
If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride.
Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.
Any questions? – please give me an email (jjpugh57@gmail.com), or a phone call (204-881-0089)
Under consideration: MIMEs for July & August: Vancouver Ms are invited for a day trip to see Nanaimo sights on a Saturday in July; and a MIME event to the Royal BC Museum to see the Stonehenge exhibit in August. Dates tbd – please let me know if you’re interested, thanks.
The 2024 – 2025 MIME year begins again September 28th with a kickoff at Rathtrevor Beach !
June Potluck*** Important update***
Potluck in June will be held at Jim & Ute’s on the 4th Sunday 6 pm to avoid conflict with Father’s day events. RSVP. Please note that the AGM will NOT be at the June Potluck .
Member Garrison White has indicated that the bylaws require an AGM to be held before May 30. A date in May and meeting place will be announced shortly.
*The Saysutshun (Newcastle) Island ferry, scheduled to start May1st, has now been postponed until May 15th (!). As there’s no other way to get to the island, (other than by private boat),instead I’m modifying the trip to a *Nanaimo waterfront walkabout *with a ferry
ride to the Dingy Dock Pub <https://www.dinghydockpub.com/protection-island-ferry-schedule/>for lunch.
(Fees are on the attached website; $14 round trip – cash only.)We’ll head to Saysutshun for dino-tracking *June 1st*, instead – a make-up
MIME, so to speak.
The Comox airshow is confirmed on Saturday, May 18th, so that’s still a go. Please let me know of your attendance to either event by email, thanks!
And Nanaimo M Laura is hosting an invasive plants identification and
walkabout, followed by a (byob) bbq on *June 22nd* – more info to follow.

Third Sunday Potluck dinner
March’s 3rd Sunday Potluck event will be hosted by Jim and Ute on 17 March 6 pm at 4870 Lochside Dr. Saanich, RSVP.
April’s 3rd Sunday potluck event will be hosted by Joe and Nikki Seewald on 21st April 6 pm Please RSVP before 15 Nov. Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com;st April 6 pm
Address: 29 Saanich Ridge Dr. Saanichton, BC
May’s 3rd Sunday Potluck event will be hosted by George and Cathy on 19th May 6pm at 5852 East Sooke Rd. RSVP if possible 3 days ahead. email gamay@shaw.ca or phone 250 642 5516.
Members in the area: Volunteers are welcome to propose/organise additional events or host Potlucks. Please contact G.May: gamay@shaw.ca
Map for access to Seewald’s place:
18th Feb. 6 pm will be hosted by Mary Freeman at her residence, 909 Carolwood unit 9. Broadmead.
Victoria Region TGIF
December ‘23 TGIFs
Every Friday
18:00 – 20:00
Purple Gardens
#138 – 1551 Cedar Hill + Rd
Extensive [all you can eat] Chinese Buffet
Ample underground parking
Senior Discount
Quiet enough for conversation
Nov. Wed. Lunch
Chew & Chat
Will be at the White Spot
3965 Quadra St, Saanich
[nr. Mackenzie]
Third Sunday PotLuck, Nov.
This month ‘s potluck is on, Nov. 26th the 4 th Sunday. Joe Seewald is the host. Arrive any time after 5 pm. Potluck dinner at 6 pm. Please RSVP before 25 th Nov. Phone 250-709-2831 or email seewald.joe@gmail.com;
Address: 29 Saanich Ridge Dr Saanichton, BC
Directions: Take the Qwus Chus exit, [off the Pat Bay Hwy] just north of the Saanich Heritage Museum. If coming from Sidney, come in from Mount Newton X Rd, then turn right on Tetayut.
Please note since Qwus Chus is a one-way road all must depart via Mount Newton X Rd.

- Weather depending, we will meet at the Mafeo-Sutton parking lot, by the Welcome Pole, @ 10 AM.
- We’ll stroll the park and waterfront – bring your cameras! -and see the sights, including the historic Bastion.
- Hopefully, the Protection Island ferry will be running, and for those interested, we can take the ferry to the Dinghy Dock Pub for lunch. Details are here.
- The park is very family and kid-friendly – there’s a wonderful playground – feel free to hike and bike about!
- Dress for the weather – it will be cool the last week of November – 🤞 for sunny skies! (If it’s really bad, I’ll send out a postponement notice, and we’ll rebook for the spring.)
- If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, (jjpugh57@gmail.com), and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride from another M.
- Please confirm by email only if you are attending, thanks.
- Any questions? – please give me an email or a call (204-881-0089)
Victoria Region TGIF
November ‘23 TGIFs
Every Friday
18:00 – 20:00
Purple Gardens
#138 – 1551 Cedar Hill + Rd
Extensive [all you can eat] Chinese Buffet
Ample underground parking
Senior Discount
Quiet enough for conversation
We will be having a Mid Island Mensa Experience (MIME) at the Courtenay Museum & Paleontology Centre on Saturday, October 21st.
All are welcome – please join us and visit with your Island Ms!
(This is a no-cost event, unless you book a museum fossil tour – see below.)
- The museum offers two fossil tours: 9 AM (before museum opening); and 1 PM.
- The museum fossil tours need to be booked and paid for in advance: $40 + tax for adults; $30 + tax for kids over 4 (there are family rates as well- please see link above).
- Those who want museum fossil tours need to book themselves for their preferred time.
- The museum opens @ 10 AM – entrance by donation.
- I suggest that we connect at the museum for an indoor visit @ noon – those who have taken the early museum fossil tour will have returned by noon and can join up for a museum tour; or you could take a museum tour @ noon, followed by a museum fossil tour @ 1 PM.
- In either case, we could meet for a coffee/lunch before noon across from the museum at the Gladstone Brewing Co., or the Early Bird Cafe a block away, at 4th St & Duncan, if that interests you. Please let me know your preference, and we’ll go with the majority choice.
- Also, Charlotte, who is from Courtenay, very familiar with the area and quite the naturalist, is offering a walkabout that includes fossils and forests!
- There’s plenty of flexibility, and you are welcome to choose what best suits you – you may arrive and leave whenever you like.
- Dress for the weather – it may be cool this week in October –
for sunny skies!
- If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, (jjpugh57@gmail.com), and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride from another M.
- Confirmation of your attendance is appreciated for numbers – please let me know by email. (I don’t need to know if you’re not attending, thanks.)
- Any questions? – please give me an email or a call (204-881-0089)
(And – any ideas for a MIME in November? We’ll pause for December, and begin again in January.)
Hope to see you soon in Courtenay!
Jeffery Pugh
- We have booked Group Picnic Area S1-Picnic Shelter (see Group Sites & Picnic Shelters map here🙂
- Directions to Rathtrevor PP here:
- It’s a potluck event – bring your own food and (non-alcoholic) beverages; (smoking/vaping is prohibited, as is alcohol consumption.)
- If you want to grill, please bring your own bbq and propane – there are no cooking facilities at the Group Picnic Shelters.
- Games and activities are welcome, and the beach is nearby – very family and kid-friendly – feel free to hike and bike about!
- Dress for the weather – it may be cool the last week of September – 🤞 for sunny skies!
- If you need to carpool and don’t know an attending M, please contact me, (jjpugh57@gmail.com), and I’ll do my best to connect you with a ride from another M.
- Confirmation of your attendance is appreciated for numbers – please let me know by email.
- Any questions? – please give me an email or a call (204-881-0089)
The Second BC Islands Mensa Picnic (pending site confirmation).
The event will be held on the 6th August 3:30 to 7:30 pm at Gyro Park. Free hamburgers, hot-dogs and soft-drinks will be provided but attendees are encouraged to bring extra food to share.
Third Sunday Potluck July 16th 6 pm.
Mary Freeman is hosting this month’s Potluck. All Members welcome. Mary’s address is 9-909 Carolwood Drive, Saanich, BC.